Wolfgang Jorzik it's about photography and other things that happen in life

Ticker 28.12.14

++++ 28.12.14 ++++ First of all I want to say a big „Thank You“ to my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintance who shared and gave comments to the taz-article on Facebook and of course with „normal“ E-Mails. ++++ That means a lot to us. ++++ A special „Merci“ for my WDR- Colleagues for their generous help in any direction and for the „Advent Calendar“ full of great surprises organized by Nicole ++++ Yes, it was a lot of fun to get up in the morning and open a „Türchen“ or one of the 25 envelopes ++++ Yes, 25! ++++ There came a „bonus“ card with Santa Claus that changes to the Easter Bunny by pulling his feet. ++++ Thanks to everybody ++++ We are so glad to know you all ++++

Selfie with Christmas tree

Everybody was asleep: Time for a selfie in front of the tree …

++++ Since yesterday (27.12.14) I get the Radiation again ++++ The random noise in my ears and skull – I call it the cosmic noise has gotten louder after the fifth radiation ++++ So I feel like an scientist listening to his radio telescope connected to the expansion of the universe ++++ My sleep is out of control ++++ Tired during day – Wide awake during night ++++ Gives me time to write or to sort my writing table – not too bad ++++ I have to see what will be next Saturday (03.01.15) after the last radiation ++++ Christmas I’ve read an article published in the Guardian of a former colleague of my dearly beloved wife Louisa ++++ It starteled me several times now ++++ So open, so honest, so sad and by the way very well written ++++ Thanks Clare! ++++ You and everybody else take care and stay strong! ++++

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