Wolfgang Jorzik it's about photography and other things that happen in life

so far

In the following weeks I will fill up the various sections on this page and the store a bit more to complete my portfolio. The main structure of my homepage is visible now and I’m a bit proud of that piece of work. If you find any bugs or some really disturbing things, drop me a note so that I can repair or rethink the problem. Thanks! Same game for photo requests: You ask and I try to find a solution: Most of the time there will be a really good one – sometimes not. Just the way life is!

2 Kommentare zu so far

  1. Hartmut Schneider sagt:

    Great job…. so far. ;-)

  2. joris sagt:

    I desperately miss legends to your photos (where? who?). But I’m sure, these are also part of the work in progess . . .
    Sehr schöne Bilder! Mes félicitations!


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