Wolfgang Jorzik it's about photography and other things that happen in life

Under construction

Last week (it was friday the 13th) I decided to rent some webspace to publish my very first homepage, which should display a portfolio of my photographic work. Now, a week went by with countless hours of trying out several layouts and lots of fine tuning, I have the feeling the page is still “under construction”. I learned this week a few things about php-code, css and html. To be honest, a deep understanding of all these codes is still missing. Anyway, I have some photos here in a structure I wanted and – as I said – it’s “under construction”. There’re edges, which can and should be improved. So I will be patient and will push more buttons, paste and copy or delete lines in the editor or rethink my actions, when I have to read something like this: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_post_format() in […] ….”. It can be frustrating, but it’s not boring.


Ein Kommentar zu Under construction

  1. Marko Furck sagt:

    Our live is under permanent construction, which makes it ongoing and refreshing. So let fatal errors rest for some days, solutions will come. This Homepage is great! Don´t worry, be happy.

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